The first week in Paris is always the hardest. Well, for me at least.
The packing, goodbyes, flying, getting to the city, lugging bags through the city, living in a hostel for an undisclosed amount of time, getting in fights at the bank (a true test of French fluency), and unpacking (finally) are enough to question why exactly you chose to put yourself through all of this. Again. And again.
(The answer to this question is, of course, the croissants, picnics, quality of life, thankfully being reminded that yes you do still remember how to speak French, the 3€ wine and even the weird crab sticks at the Franprix.)
I was pretty quiet here over the summer, mostly because I was busy working three jobs and trying to see as many people as possible. But now I’m back, with a new French view that needs to be reported on and new markets to explore. À très, très bientôt. ♦
Glad to see you back, Anne! Looking forward to following your French adventures!
🙂 let me know if you are ever nearby!
Will do!
Wellcome in Paris Anne !
La vue de ton appartement est chouette !
Quand est ce que tu commences tes cours ?
Tu pourrais venir à Aix debut octobre un we quand il y aura Hayley ?
Merci Corinne! J’ai commencé mes cours cette semaine…bcp de choses à faire! Oui c’est sûr que je viens à Aix…il fait trop froid ici à Paris déjà 😉 je te tiens au courant!
Love the picture with all the periwinkle blue and rust colors…and glad to know you made it there. It’s Labor Day here and GD is out playing golf. I’m going to finish working on a doll house. The miniature show is in two weeks so I need to get cracking. When do you start classes?
I love you, Classy
Sounds like a good labor day! Send me a picture of the dollhouse when you’re finished.
Unfortunately it isn’t a holiday here so classes just started today :/
bises 🙂