I recently commandeered the new Nikon we got for the yearbook and spent the majority of the day Friday and today walking around taking pictures(check out the awesome ones of Steph and Nick on Flickr!). Everytime I think of returning it, it grieves me terribly, kind of like in 1st grade when we would take turns with the class “pet” for a weekend(even though it was actually a stuffed animal).
I always wanted to go to school Monday morning and say my little sister lost it, yet I probably would have been stoned(with various shades of Crayola) by a fury of 7-year-olds if I tried that.
For some reason I feel like the school wouldn’t appreciate me skipping out with their $600 investment…for now.
It DID, however, come in handy yesterday when actual news happened in Fredericksburg(weird, right?). People take you seriously with a Nikon strap around your neck. Also, let it be known that I love scooping the Free Lance-Star.
Alas my 8 a.m. awaits, and I have miles to go before I sleep.
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