At the beginning of the year in search of a new creative project, I started filming one second of every day. I had previously heard about it on a TedTalk a while ago, and forgot about it/couldn’t wrap my head around how I would possibly edit footage down to one second a day (hint: there’s an app for that).
The TedTalk makes it clear that the point isn’t to capture the most important parts of every day, but rather to capture a second of a day in the life, no matter how banal.
January was filled with frigid Paris late at night and some pretty good meals with some pretty good company. I didn’t wise up to making them horizontal until about seven days in, but oh well. February will be better. ♦
Have you ever done a project like this? How did you remember to keep up with it? (I forgot a few days!).
That was so cool!
Great concept! Banal is a GREAT word!
This is amazing! I totally want to copy this idea! 🙂