So, I’m a slacker. I know this and I apologize for not updating…coughKatieElliscough.
This weekend went by WAY too fast. Isn’t life in France supposed to be slower? I hope not every weekend goes by like that.
On Friday night, my friend Emily and I went to a pizza place called the Pink Flamingo near her apartment. We got some delicious pizza and took it over to our friends Amanda and Ashley’s apartment with a bottle of wine. But this was just the beginning.
We planned to go to Andy Wahloo, a club in the third arrondissement. What we didn’t know was that you needed to be on a list or be invited to get in…which led us to Shywawa.
Shywawa, in St. Michel, is probably one of our favorite bars in Paris. It’s in the Latin Quarter so most of the other people who go there are students and we haven’t seen many tourists there. We thought our night would end there, oh how wrong we were.
A couple of guys sitting at a table next to us asked if we would be interested in going to a club with them. As I’m positive I’ve mentioned before, I’ve seen Taken and Hostel and I have no plans of going anywhere with a stranger. We didn’t want to leave our friends with the young Frenchmen, so all of us (seven at this point) headed to the metro to get to the Champs Elysees.
Tourist magnets are not good places to find good deals, especially on night life. I brought a limited amount of money with me so I wouldn’t spend a lot, so I wouldn’t have been able to afford a taxi home, a cover, or any of the drinks inside. After wandering around the surprisingly desolate street, they found the club they were looking for.
That was when Emily and I decided to go back to my apartment, hoping to catch the metro before it closed. In the station, we saw the boys who invited us to the club, who told us the bouncer let in our friends but rejected them so they were going to go home. Dommage. Amanda said they had fun at the club, so maybe we’ll try to go again another night, sans strangers.
On Saturday, after doing some shopping with Emily(don’t worry H&J, I was frugal), we had a bunch of our friends over to my apartment. The night consisted of wine, Camembert, baguettes, crepes, and Bananagrams…there is no way that combination can be bad at all, and it was good to see our friends from the hostel.
Finally, on Sunday I had to catch up on my homework. For dinner, Emily and I went down to the Marais for falafel, where I decided I would never eat falafel elsewhere. We went to L’As du Falafel, a famous restaurant on Rue des Rosiers. So good.
Throughout all of this though, I’ve had a slight cold that I need to get rid of. Thank goodness it’s not the flu! Our professor said that’s been going around Paris and gave us a lot of hypochondriac tips on how to avoid it. Hopefully they work!
You read my mind on the Taken and Hostel reference. Be careful! Lublu